Alex Fernandez

Computer Scientist
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About me

Research & Development Engineer at Ansys, where I’m developing PyAnsys open source initiative. I loved the machine learning and computer vision subjects during my bachelor’s degree, so I decided to specialize on it with a master’s degree. Passionate about all sciences.

Skills overview

Software engineering

Machine Learning and computer vision

Work history

R&D Software Engineer @ Ansys, Remote (November 2022 - Currently)

Main developer of plotting features across PyAnsys open source organization

Research and development of large language models technologies

Development and maintenance of open source PyAnsys libraries

Computer Vision Engineer @ CTAG, Remote (August 2021 - October 2022)

Developed scalable software project for concurrent image processing in C++

Implemented generic CAN bus communications for image processing modules in C++

Development of object detection models for embedded devices

Machine Learning Engineer Internship @ ITG, A Coruna (October 2018 - January 2019)


International Master’s degree in Computer Vision @ Universities of Porto, Santiago, Vigo and A Coruna

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science @ University of A Coruna