Alex FernandezComputer Scientist |
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Research & Development Engineer at Ansys, where I’m developing PyAnsys open source initiative. I loved the machine learning and computer vision subjects during my bachelor’s degree, so I decided to specialize on it with a master’s degree. Passionate about all sciences.
Engineered a unified plotting interface library for PyAnsys ecosystem to achieve the seamless integration of different plotting backends.
Created the open source project pytest‑pyvista, a plugin for pytest, to perform regression tests with the output plots. This plugin is a crucial component that ensures the continued reliability and maintenance of PyVista applications.
Development of plotting features inside the PyAnsys libraries.
Provide ongoing support and assistance to PyAnsys developers seeking to incorporate PyVista and advanced plotting capabilities into their respective libraries.
Development of an internal service in Golang to concurrently manage access from several client to several text generation providers, a robust and high‑availability system capable of seamlessly handling hundreds of simultaneous calls, enhancing overall system reliability and performance.
Development of C++ clients for the aforementioned LLM service.
Developed an innovative experimental tool for PyAnsys‑specific code generation utilizing OpenAI API, Hugging Face, and other NLP‑focused libraries. Containerized the tool using Docker, facilitating easy deployment and scalability. This groundbreaking experimentation served as a catalyst for larger‑scale projects, laying the groundwork for future innovations in code generation within the PyAnsys ecosystem.
Deployment of large language models services. Setup of remote machines environments for LLMs by using Docker and Nvidia setup.
Continuous research on the state of the art of large language models and its associated technologies and integrations.
Development and maintenance of PyAnsys Geometry. Implemented enhancements based on valuable client feedback, bolstering its plotter capabilities and improving user experience.
Development and maintenance of PyPrimeMesh. Strengthened PyPrimeMesh’s reliability and maintainability by introducing comprehensive unit testing and integrating CI/CD pipelines on GitHub.
Development of github actions to improve maintainability and reliability of the PyAnsys ecosystem.
Offered expert technical reviews for proposed new PyAnsys libraries intended for open‑source release, ensuring adherence to best practices and compatibility with existing ecosystem standards.
Conducted a research on the state of the art of deep learning models for edge devices, as well as a research on the state of the art for automotive datasets.
Achieved the integration of custom trained object detection models tailored for embedded devices, in different devices, such as Nvidia Jetson TX2, Intel Movidius and Google coral, achieved by converting the developed model from PyTorch to ONNX and from ONNX to different frameworks, such as OpenVINO, TensorRT Tensorflow. Real time usage was achieved in most of the devices.
Conducted thorough benchmarking of a deep learning model on different embedded devices, optimizing device selection and best use for different resource‑constrained environments.